Wow.... this stand your ground law is really something else. You cant even go to a movie theater and watch a movie anymore without wondering if someone will get shot! The subject at hand is from the latest news regarding a 71 yr old police officer shooting a person for texting in a movie theater. In my own opinion, this is what happens when idiots/cowards get their hands on firearms, ill go in to detail about that later. It looks like this all started out in Wesley Chapel, Florida (go figure) with 2 moviegoers.... one texting during the movie...the other pissed off about it. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing worse than some douche that doesn't have the decency to at least put their phone on vibrate during a movie i paid to watch. If i can do it, they can too.
But this is taking things way too far. 71 yr old retired police officer Curtis Reeves (Right side of picture) had serious words with the texter over this very issue. When he couldn't have his way, he walks out to find a manager. He comes back minutes later after striking out and another altercation took place, only this time Chad Oulson (text victim with wife on left side of picture) wasn't so lucky. Voices raised..... anger levels elevated... somehow popcorn was thrown at the grumpy old cop.... then a shot was fired. Mr Oulson was shot, his wife trying to protect her husband was also shot (hand) all over something that wasn't that serious at all.
In my attempt to make this story as concise as possible, quite a few details were left out. The bottom line is this, far too many people gather metal courage with a gun by their sides. They are less apt to look for another way to handle things and as a result of this, people die. Is the victim Chad Oulson to blame in this case? Or is the shooter? Why did this even have to come down to one person loosing their life? In my eyes the shooter was too lazy to find another way to handle the situation. He did try to find a mgr...but gave up after a couple minutes. If a man lost his life by this guy for texting during a movie... how many people lost their lives on his watch as a cop that didn't deserve to?
I'm not, nor will i ever say all guns should be taken away. I have a safe full of guns. I don't have to walk around parading mine though. I don't see the need to. I feel like people in some states use guns unnecessarily and hide behind these laws that only protect a certain few. People loose their lives every day because nobody wants to take the time to find ways to not only de escalate, but resolve situations before they get blown out of proportion. I don't care what type of environment you come from, there is always another way. Here you have a man that lost his life all because a RETIRED police officer (with a history of complaining about people on their phones in theaters) somehow felt threatened by popcorn being thrown in his direction. Why look for a manager again when you can just shoot the guy right? I can only hope this is the most expensive bullet he will ever pay for. Cops treat almost everyone like a suspect, they have the shortest tempers of anyone known to man, people that should not have guns usually have the most...and carry them everywhere, and people die just trying to use their right to free speech. Reeves in being charged with second degree murder...good. Only in America is it this bad. Can we guns allowed and use the same system in place for college games? Metal detectors and security at the doors? My condolences to the family involved.
Ok people...leave a comment and share your thoughts on this one...
Good thoughts, Mr. Mac!
ReplyDeleteEven the coldest winter couldn't make me move to Florida...
@Rants and Ramblings... yeah this guy is some sort of nut job if you ask me. Its very unfortunate that these types of cases keep coming up.