I honestly just want to thank everybody that took a minute to listen to what i put my heart in to. This is amazing for somebody like myself. When you love what you do it's never work. That being said when you see whats hitting the charts and doing crazy good numbers these days, its hard to stick to your guns and make your own kind of music.
The easy route would be to just start making songs that sound like the 10 other songs they play on the radio every 15 minutes. Nothing has ever been easy for me. So to look at my stats on the years and see numbers like this is a really good feeling.
To each and every one of you that followed me on Spotify, added my songs to your own playlists, and shared my music. I give you my deepest thanks! New album coming soon. Stick around and see what i put on wax! You can find my Spotify page using the link attached to this post, or on my page. If you haven't followed me yet, played any of my music, or added any songs... click this link to check me out! Deebo Mac on Spotify
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