Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Obama pulls the plug on the Worlds Most Wanted Fugitive...

Let it be known that this war on terror began back in 2001 on a quiet September morning. When a series of uncontrollable events left terrified memories in the heads of Americans that will never be erased.

From that day forward there are 3 numbers that will bring recollection to the mind of every American, memories that some of us wouldn't wish on anyone..... those 3 numbers are 9..1..1.

Its been a long and hard fought road we as Americans have had to travel in the rebuilding process. My hat is off to the Military for showing that Americans lay down for know one. I can only hope that the capture/kill of the person responsible for that horrible day can bring some sort of closure to those that were directly affected by the events that unfolded.

For the record, i think it needs to be mentioned that on May 1st, 2011 Obama stuck to his promise first mentioned in the campaign of capturing AND killing Americas #1 enemy....Bin Laden. For those of you who may be saying that the Commander in Chief isn't as stern as he needs to be in regards to war..... there is you proof.

It should also be known that Obama gave the order to have the Special Ops team move in...and execute. Job well done Sir..... you've made history, once again.

1 comment:

  1. Bout time! How much can we take before someone pulls the trigger
